Monday, July 12, 2010

Baby had got consuelling today .
So ended everything early .
But told me that he gotta go back camp ,
as they feel it's too early for baby to end .

Msg-ed baby 15minutes ago .
Asking where is he for the obvious
as he already told me that he will be back camp .

Baby called & actually said he ended work long ago .
& was actually at Upper Thomson Road ,
looking for Strudel for me .

Thanks baby for always wanting to surprise me ~
I love ue .

Baby got leave as well to settle stuffs .

Busy busy week ahead .
Wedding's in another 4 more days .
Hopefully everything goes smoothly .

Did pedicure & hand/footspa for mummy .
Didi & i did footspa as well .
Gotta go for baby too .
& Mummy dyed hair for daddy .

Gotta go have dinner soon !~

P/S : I'm so having a bad backache since yesterday ,
So did baby as well , all because of that mattress .

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